Hornworts and Liverworts of Romania ROMANIAN ACADEMY |
Pallavicinia lyellii in Romania Pallavicinia lyellii (Hook.) Carruth. 1865, J. Bot. Br. Foreign, 3: 203. Plants dioecious, collected from peatbogs from Arpaşu de Sus, Sibiu County, Romania (BUCA no. B931). I found only the male plants (Figs. 3, 4, 5). The colour of plant is pale green. Thallus simple or occasionally branched, to 4(-5) cm long, 2-4(5) mm wide, wings plane or undulate. Midrib ca 12 cells thick, well defined, with central strand of small elongated and thickened conducting cells visible as a dark line by transmitted light; wings unistratose (Fig. 8) with vesiculose cells (Fig. 9). Antheridia in two rows, one on either side of midrib (Figs. 3, 5), protected by lobed scales (Figs. 10, 12). Archegonia in groups surrounded by involucre of basally fused laciniate scales. Pseudoperianth cylindrical, 5-7 mm long. Rhizoids pale brown (Fig. 13). This species prefer as habitat forestry peatland. The Pallavicinia lyellii species was founded on peat soil, at 530 m altitude, together with Rhynchostegium murale (Hedw.) Bruch & al. var. julaceum Bruch & al., Brachythecium rutabulum Bruch & al., Plagiothecium nemorale (Mitt.) Jaeg., Climacium dendroides (Hedw.) F. Weber & D. Mohr and Polytrichum formosum Hedw. (mosses species were determined by G. Dihoru). The main threats for the Pallavicinia lyellii survival are drainage and destruction of bogs and marshes. Vulnerable species in Europa (ECCB, 1995), Pallavicinia lyellii is present in Austria (2 sites), Azores, Belgium, Balearic Islands, Britain (17 sites), Caucasus, Czech Republic (extinct), Slovakia (extinct), Denmark (3 sites), France, Germany (2 sites), Greece, Ireland (7 sites), Italy, Lithuania, Madeira, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania (1 site), Spain, Sweden and Ukraine. In the world, Pallavicinia lyellii is present in Europe, Madeira, Azores, North America (USA), Central America (Belize, Honduras), Caribbee (Jamaica), South America (Colombia, Peru, Ecuador), China, Japan, India, Polynesia, Philippines and New Zealand.
Fig. 1 – Map with the region from where was collected Pallavicinia lyellii (Scale 1: 25.000).
Fig. 2 – Distribution of Pallaviciniaceae species in Romania
Fig. 3 – Male plants of Pallavicinia lyellii
Fig. 4 – Pallavicinia lyellii species
Fig. 5 – Male plants of Pallavicinia lyellii
Fig. 6 – Thallus of Pallavicinia lyellii
Fig. 7 – Thallus of Pallavicinia lyellii
Fig. 8 – Thallus wing of Pallavicinia lyellii
Fig. 9 – Transversal section from thallus wing of Pallavicinia lyellii
Fig. 10 – Transversal section from a male plants of Pallavicinia lyellii
Fig. 11 – Transversal section from midrib of Pallavicinia lyellii
Fig. 12 – Transversal section from involucral scale (up) and wing (down) of Pallavicinia lyellii
Fig. 13 – Rhizoids of Pallavicinia lyellii
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