Proiect PCCA Tip 1
Nr. Contract:
Evolution: New Evidences for the Study of Interconnected Structures. A Biomolecular Journey around the Carpathians from Ancient to Medieval Times”
Genetică: Dovezi noi în studiul unor structuri
interconectate. O călătorie biomoleculară în jurul Carpaţilor din
Antichitate până în Evul Mediu”
The extended team of this project reunites historians, archaeologists,
biologists, MD’s and physicists who approach in a interdisciplinary manner
the study of past human populations who occupied at diverse intervals and in
diverse locations around the Carpathian mountains the territory of today’s
The main aims of this study are:
to standardize and enhance aDNA recovery and analysis by means
of a interdisciplinary approach (molecular biology and physics).
to illustrate the genetic population structure at different
moments in time, in a geographic space with dynamic demographics (population
movement, diverse ethnic interactions, layered societies, etc).
to reveal genealogic relationships in relevant necropoleis/cemeteries.
to characterize the target populations in regard to quotidian
customs by means of modern methodological approaches: diet (C and N stable
isotope analysis), funerary rites (cremation
ŕ spectroscopical methods
to asses cremation temperature, etc.), relevant non-traumatic pathologies
(incidence of genetic disorders, if such cases arise).
to assess by genetic means the co-evolution of human and
animal populations (e.g. genetic fingerprints of domestic animals
used as food and/or offerings, of animals found in identifiable imigrant
populations, etc).
to establish an autochthonous young interdisciplinary team to
function beyond the end of the project in the field of bioarchaeology, with
both scientific (academic research), commercial (expertise and analysis of
samples for third parties) and formative (passing on information to the next
generation of “bioarchaeologists” via courses, workshops, etc.)
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