Institutul de Biologie Bucureşti     

Lucrări publicate în revistele Academiei Române

2009  2008   2007   2006   2005  2004  2003

2009                                                     Top

Brezeanu A., Banciu C., 2009. Comparative studies regarding ultrastructure of Marsilea      quadrifolia l. (Pteridophyta) leaf mesophyll cells in vivo and in vitro culture, Romanian Journal of Biology - Plant Biology, 54(1):13-24

Enache M., Popescu G., Dumitru L., Kamekura M., 2009, The effect of Na+/Mg2+ ratio on the amylase activity of haloarchaea isolated from Techirghiol lake, Romania, a low salt environment, Proc. Rom. Acad., Series B, 11(1): 3-7.

Maican S., 2009. Leaf beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) from protected natural areas of Romania. Romanian Journal of Biology-Zoology, 54(1): 35-45.

Mirancea N., Mirancea D., Juravle F.D., Serban A.M., Mirancea G.V., 2009. Epithelial-stromal interactions during tumorigenesis and invasion process of  basocellular and squamous cell carcinomas at the tumor-peritumoral stroma interface, Romanian Journal of Biology – Zoology, 54(1): 97-120.

Mitoi M., Holobiuc I., Blîndu R., 2009. The effect of mannitol on antioxidative enzymes in vitro long term cultures of Dianthus tenuifolius and Dianthus spiculifolius, Romanian Journal of Biology - Plant Biology, 54(1): 25-33.

Nicolae C., 2009. The Screes Vegetation of the Higher Basin of the Prahova River, Romanian Journal of Biology - Plant Biology, 54(2): 157-172.

Popa G, Brezeanu A., Cornea C, Boe J.P., 2009. Peroxidase activity in Eustoma   grandiflorum plants transformed by Agrobacterium rhizogenes, Romanian Journal of Biology - Plant Biology, 54(1): 41-46.

2008                                                     Top

Vasiliu-Oromulu L., Paucă-Comănescu M., Onete M., Sanda V., Nicolae C., Ştefănuţ S., Şincu D., Honciuc V., Stănescu M., Falcă M., Fiera C., Purice D., Maican S., Munteanu C., Ion M., 2008. Biocoenotic differentiation of Quercus petraea and of mixed Quercus petraea and Fagus sylvatica decidous forests from the lower Doftana valley (Prahova county), Romanian Journal of Biology – Zoology, /2007-2008/, 52-53:79-105.

Mirancea D, Mirancea N., 2008. Cell and molecular aspects of the dermal-epidermal interface during golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) embryo development, Romanian Journal of Biology – Zoology, /2007-2008/, 52-53:113-123.

Paucă-Comănescu, M., Purice D., Onete M., Dihoru Gh., Honciuc V., Oromulu L., Stănescu M.,  Fiera C.,  Falcă M.,  Maican S.,  Ion M.,  Munteanu C., 2008. Alluvial Salix purpurea and Hyppophae rhamnoides collinar shrubs in Prahova and Doftana zone. Romanian Journal of Biology-Plant Biology, 53(2):97-122.

Holobiuc I., Blindu R., Carasan M., Helepciuc F., Voichită C.R., Negrean G., 2008. In vitro conservation strategy of Veronica multifida spp capsellicarpa (Dubrovik) A. Jelen, Romanian Journal of Biology-Plant Biology, 53(2):71-81.

Brezeanu A., Cogalniceanu G., Mihai R., 2008. Ultrastructural Characterization of the In Vitro Gametophyte of Bucegia Romanica Radian – A Rare Liverwort, Romanian Journal of Biology-Plant Biology, 53(2):49-61. 

Voicu D.,  Brezeanu A., 2008. In vitro reactivity of Usnea Barbata (L.) Mott., 2008,  Romanian Journal of Biology-Plant Biology, 53(2): 83 – 90.

Brezeanu A., Voicu D., 2008. Ultrastructural peculiarities of Usnea Barbata (L.)Mott. mycobiont and phycobiont cells „in vivo” and „in vitro” culture, Romanian Journal of Biology-Plant Biology, 53(2):63 – 69.


2007                                                     Top

Holobiuc I., Blîndu R., 2007. In vitro culture introduction for ex situ conservation of some rare plant species, Romanian Journal of Biology, Plant Biology, /2006-2007/, 51-52: 13-23.


2006                                                     Top


Maican S., 2006. Chrysomelids (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) from the sylvosteppe forests of Romania, Romanian Journal of Biology – Zoology, 51(1-2): 13-25.

Fiera C., 2006. A survey of the collembolan fauna of some agroecosystems in a dike island of the lower Danube floodplain (Insula Mare a Brăilei), Romanian Journal of Biology – Zoology, 51(1-2): 27-32.

Stănescu M., Honciuc V., 2006. Taxonomical structure of the epicriina and gamasina mites (Acari-Mesostigmata: Epicriina, Gamasina) in forestry ecosystems from Bucegi Massif, Romanian Journal of Biology – Zoology, (1-2): 33-42.

Trandaburu I., Mirancea D., Argint M., Trandaburu T., 2006. Biphasic dynamic of the “in vivo” glucose-induced insulin secretion in mice and hamsters, Romanian Journal of Biology – Zoology, 51(1-2): 99-104.

Mirancea D., Mirancea N., 2006. The sequence of infrastructural events of the hair follicle morphogenesis during golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) embryo development, Romanian Journal of Biology – Zoology, 51(1-2): 105-115.


  2005                                                     Top


Zinevici V., Parpală L., 2005. The zooplankton structure in the Iron Gates II reservoir (Danube km 863-942), in 2002, Revue Roumaine de Biologie, Série de Biologie Animale, 50(1-2): 17-27.

Stănescu M., Juvara-Balş I., 2005. Biogeographical distribution of Gamasina mites from Romania (Acari-Mesostigmata), Revue Roumaine de Biologie, Série de Biologie Animale, 50(1-2): 57-74.

Bănărescu P., 2005. An overview of the older and recent contributions to the knowledge of the fish fauna of the Banat, Revue Roumaine de Biologie, Série de Biologie Animale, 50(1-2): 75-82.


 2004                                                     Top

Zinevici V., Parpală L., 2004. The zooplankton structure in the Dam Lake Iron Gates 1 (Danube km 942-1075) after three decades of its existence, Revue Roumaine de Biologie, Série de Biologie Animale, 49(1-2): 47-57.

Stănescu M., Gwiazdowicz D.J., 2004. Structure and dynamics of the Gamasina mites (Acari: Mesostigmata) from a forest with Picea abies from the Bucegi Massif, Revue Roumaine de Biologie, Série de Biologie Animale, 49(1-2): 78-88.

Prunescu C.C., Prunescu P., 2004. Hamster kidney after ferrum hausmann "drops" chronic administration, Revue Roumaine de Biologie, Série de Biologie Animale, 49(1-2): 129-138.

Trandaburu I., Bouhet S., Marjn D.E., Ţăranu I., Oswald I.P., Trandaburu T., 2004. Ingestion of low doses of fumonisin b1 (fb1) induces microscopic alterations in several piglet organs, Revue Roumaine de Biologie, Série de Biologie Animale, 49(1-2): 139-155.


2003                                                     Top

Zinevici V., Ionică D., Parpală L., Sandu C., Nicolescu N., 2003. The Plankton biomass and productivity in Danube Delta Lakes being in ecological succession, Revue Roumaine de Biologie, Série de Biologie Animale, 48(1-2): 31-36.


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