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Cave ice microbiom: metabolic diversity and activity in response to climate dynamics and anthropogenic pollution


Diversitatea şi activitatea metabolicǎ a microbiomului peşterilor de gheaţǎ ca rǎspuns la schimbǎrile climatice şi poluarea antropicǎ

Project Coordinator: Dr. CRISTINA PURCAREA




The consortium consists of 5 partners from 4 countries

·        ROMANIA      -  IBB  (coordinator) and ERIS

·        NORWAY       -  UoB


·        CHILE             - UA






Institute of Biology Bucharest (IBB) – Dr. Cristina Purcarea) (cristina.purcarea@ibiol.ro)





Emil Racovita Institute of Speleology (ERIS) – Dr. Alexandra M. Hillebrand-Voiculescu (alexandra.hillebrand@iser.ro)


University of Bergen (UoB) – Prof. Lise Øvreås (Lise.Ovreas@bio.uib.no)


National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) – Dr. Maria E. Farias (mefarias@proimi.org.ar)


University of Antofagasta, Facultad de Ciencias del Mar y Recursos  Biológicos (UA) – Dr. Cristina Dorador (cristina.dorador@uantof.cl)





IBB (1) Dr. Cristina Purcarea (PI), Senior scientist gr. I, biochemistry, microbiology, molecular biology, extremophiles. (2) Dr. Aurel Persoiu, Senior scientist gr. II, ice caves, stable isotope geochemistry, palaeoclimatology. (3) Dr. Ioan Ardelean , Senior scientist gr. I, biotechnology, microbiology. (4) Corina Itcus, PhD student, molecular microbiology. (5) Victoria Ioana Paun, MSc student, microbiology, nanotechnology. (6) Carmen andreea Badaluta, PhD student, palaeoclimatology. (7) Marinela Cirnu, Technician, laboratory technical support.


ERIS (1) Dr. Alexandra HillebrandVoiculescu, Senior scientist gr. III, cave ecosystems, biochemistry, microbiology, molecular biology. (2) Dr. Constantin Marin (CM), Senior scientist gr. II, geochemistry. (3) PhD student. geochemistry. (4) Technician, laboratory technical support WP 4


UoB (1) Dr. Lise Øvreås, Professor. molecular microbiology, geomicrobiology. (2) Dr. SteinErik Lauritzen, Professor. palaeoclimatology, speleology. (3) Research scientist, molecular microbiology, bioinformatics. (4) Technical support. molecular biology and paloeclimatology.


CONICET (1) Dr. Maria E. Farias, Professor. molecular microbiology of extreme environments. (2) Dr. Ana Fernández Gonzáles, Postdoctoral fellow, microbiology, bioinformatics. (3) Dr. Daniel Kurth, Assistant research, microbiology, bioinformatics. (4) Cecilia Rasuk, PhD student, microbiology, bioinformatics.


UA (1) Dr. Cristina Dorador, Associate Professor. extreme environments microbial ecology. (2) Dr. Martha Hengst, Assistant Professor, microbial ecologist. (3) Dr. Verónica Molina, Assistant Professor, biogeochemistry. (4) Dr. Paris Lavin, Postdoctoral fellow, molecular microbiology. (5) Bernardita Valenzuela, PhD student, molecular microbiology. (6) Vilma Pérez, PhD student, molecular microbiology.











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