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      Proiect PCCA Tip 1



Nr. Contract: 229/2013


Genetic Evolution: New Evidences for the Study of Interconnected Structures. A Biomolecular Journey around the Carpathians from Ancient to Medieval Times”


Project Director : Acad. Octavian POPESCU


With the advent of molecular techniques, no biological discipline could remain the same. Today, classic theories and approaches are verified using methodologies involving molecular analyses. Often, the image presented by molecular techniques completely challenges past suppositions. Archaeology and history, two research areas apparently meant to remain in their “pure”, classic form, tend now towards interdisciplinarity. Being concerned with recounting and reconstructing past lives, they involve, at some point, the study of plant, animal and human remains, and thus, are also affected by the molecular revolution that sweeps other biological domains. The extended team of this project reunites historians, archaeologists, biologists, MD’s and physicists who approach in a interdisciplinary manner the study of past human populations who occupied at diverse intervals and in diverse locations around the Carpathian mountains the territory of today’s Romania. The objective of our project is to establish an autochthonous young interdisciplinary team to function beyond the end of the project in the field of bioarchaeology, with both scientific (academic research), commercial (expertise and analysis of samples for third parties) and formative (passing on information to the next generation of “bioarchaeologists” via courses, workshops, etc.) responsibilities.



Evolutie Genetică: Dovezi noi în studiul unor structuri interconectate. O călătorie biomoleculară în jurul Carpaţilor din Antichitate până în Evul Mediu

Director proiect: Acad. Octavian POPESCU

Odata cu aparitia tehnicilor moleculare, nicio disciplina biologica nu a putut ramane neschimbata. Astazi, teoriile clasice sunt verificate cu ajutorul unor analize moleculare. Adesea, rezultatele tehnicilor moleculare pun sub semnul intrebarii ipotezele anterioare. Arheologia si istoria, doua discipline ce par a fi sortite unei forme pure, clasice, tind acum spre interdisciplinaritate. Fiind discipline ce istorisesc si reconstruiesc vieti trecute, ele implica si studiul resturilor vegetale, animale si umane, fiind de asemenea afectate de revolutia moleculara ce afecteaza si alte domenii biologice. Echipa extinsa a acestui proiect reuneste istorici, arheologi, biologi, medici si fizicieni ce vor aborda intr-un mod interdisciplinar studiul populatiilor umane vechi ce au ocupat, in diverse perioade si regiuni din jurul Carpatilor, teritoriul Romaniei de azi. Obiectivul proiectului nostru este acela de a alcatui o echipa interdisciplinara tanara care sa functioneze dincolo de limitele proiectului in domeniul bioarheologiei, cu responsabilitati stiintifice (cercetare academica), comerciala (evaluare si analizarea unor probe pentru terti) si formative (transmiterea informatiei catre urmatoarea generatie de bioarheologi, prin cursuri, workshop-uri etc.).




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