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Oncophorus integerrimus Hedenäs
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Dihory G., Ştefănuţ S., 2018.
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and regional bryophyte records, 56, Journal of Bryology,
Ştefănuţ S., Maria G.M., 2018.
Fossombronia foveolata
Lindb. In: Ellis L.T. (ed.), New national
and regional bryophyte records, 55, Journal of Bryology,
40(2): 178.
Ştefănuţ S., 2018.
E. Maier
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and regional bryophyte records, 54, Journal of Bryology,
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Ştefănuţ S., 2017.
Hedwigia stellata
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Ştefănuţ S., Ion R., 2016.
Riccia canaliculata
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and regional bryophyte records, 46, Journal of Bryology,
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Zygodon dentatus (Limpr.) Kartt.
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S., Manole A., 2015.
Myurella tenerrima, a moss species new to Romania. Herzogia,
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Ştefănuţ S., 2015a.
Myurella sibirica
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(Lindb.) Dumort. In: Ellis L.T. (ed.), New national
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Cephaloziella varians
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Ştefănuţ S., 2014a. New
data on the presence of some hornworts and liverworts in Romania,
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Gymnomitrion alpinum (Gottsche ex Husn.)
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and regional bryophyte records, 38, Journal of Bryology, 36(1):64.
Ştefănuţ S., 2014c.
Lophozia silvicola H.Buch In: Ellis
L.T. (ed.), New national and regional bryophyte
records, 39, Journal of Bryology, 36(2):142.
Ştefănuţ S., 2014d.
Scapania parvifolia
Warnst. In: Ellis L.T. (ed.), New national
and regional bryophyte records, 40, Journal of Bryology,
Ştefănuţ S., 2014e.
Andreaea rothii F. Weber & D. Mohr subsp.
rothii In: Ellis
L.T. (ed.), New national and regional bryophyte
records, 41, Journal of Bryology, 36(4):306-307.
Ştefănuţ S., 2013a.
Riccia carvernosa Hoffm., In: Ellis LT, ed. New national and
regional bryophyte records, 36, Journal of
Bryology, 35(3):234.
Ştefănuţ S., 2013b.
Scapania lingulata H.Buch var. microphylla
(Warnst.) R.M.Schust. In: Ellis L.T. (ed.),
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Ştefănuţ S., Goia Irina, 2012.
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Ştefănuţ S., 2012a.
Aneura maxima (Schiffn.) Steph. (Aneuraceae,
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Marsupella boeckii (Austin) Kaal., In:
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Fuselier C.L., Shaw B., Engel J.J., von Konrat M., Costa
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Sergio C., Vieira C., Claro D., Garcia C., 2011.
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Ştefănuţ S., 2011a. Riccia crinita Taylor, In: Ellis
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Ştefănuţ S., 2011b. Riccia rhenana Lorb. ex Müll. Frib., In:
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Oprea A., Goia Irina, Tănase C., Sîrbu C., 2010.
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Lophozia opacifolia Culm.
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