Degraded mires and peatlands restoration of North-East 1 region of Romania
The general objective of the project
is improving ecological status in ecosystems, reducing the negative effects
of human activities and reducing vulnerability to the impact of climate
The specific
objective of the project are:
To restore the structure and
function within 12 degraded wetland/peatland ecosystems
- Mitigate the effects of
climate change on a number of 12 wetland/peatland degraded ecosystems
- Raising awareness amongst
local communities, stakeholders and the general public, about the
importance of wetland /peatlands
To support
local capacity to mitigate
effects and adapt to a changing climate All the proposed
objectives contribute significantly to the achievement of the general
objective of the Programme “Improved environmental status in ecosystems”
total of 720,76
ha habitats restored as main result of the objective 1;
biodiversity loss and reducing carbon emission
as ultimate achievement of objective 2;
mitigation of the anthropic pressure in the
wetland /peatland ecosystems as the main expected result of objective 3;
an educated public that can face the threats and
adapt - the main outcome of objective 4.