Romanian Journal of Biology - Plant Biology

Institute of Biology - Bucharest


Current Issue


Editorial board

Instructions to authors

Submit Manuscript



Romanian Journal of Biology-Plant Biology, abbreviated as Rom. J. Biol.-Plant Biol., publishes original papers from the following fields of plant biology: molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics, cytology, morphology, physiology, microbiology, systematic, chorology, botany, ecology, plant pathology. Review papers on current topics in Plant Biology are also included. The contents might be completed by additional chapters: 1. The Scientific Life presents scientific events in Plant Biology (symposia, conferences, etc.); 2. New books.

The manuscripts should be submitted on a CD together with two paper printouts and also via e-mail (E-mail: Manuscripts should be written in English, Word 6.0, font Times New Roman, font size 11, double spacing on one side of A4 paper, page format: 17 x 24 cm an equal  margins settings (2 cm top, 2 cm bottom, 2 cm left, 2 cm right). The submitted paper must not exceed 14 pages (illustrations included).

Page one should contain the paper title (font size 12, bold, caps), name/s of the authors (font size11, normal, caps), abstract of the paper (font size 9, normal) and key words (font size 9, normal, 5 maximum). Affiliation (the full address of the institution will be mentioned) will be written as a footnote of the first page.

The paper should be structured as follows: Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, References. Sub-titles should be written in font size 11, bold, caps, one tab. The text must be clearly and concisely written, unnecessary repetition of data found in tables or figures should be avoided. References in the text will be denoted by the names of authors (e.g., Smith, 2003), and alphabetically ordered in References. The references must be written according to the following examples:

Smith L.G., 2003, Cytoskeletal control of plant cell shape: getting the fine points, Curr Opin Plant Biol 6, pp. 63–73.

Collings D.A. and N.S. Allen, 2000, Cortical actin interacts with the plasma membrane and microtubules, In: C.J. Staiger et al., Editors, Actin: a Dynamic Framework for Multiple Plant Cell Functions, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 145–163.

All the authors of a reference must be listed. References “in press” are not accepted. Tables, numbered in Arabic numbers, and having a brief descriptive title, should be typed on separate sheets. Figures will be also drawn separately, on transparent tracing paper in black ink or colour ink or high contrast printed. Figures should be limited to a minimum. Letters, symbols and numbers in drawings and photos must be large enough to retain a minimum height of 1.5 mm after the appropriate reduction. Figures will be numbered in Arabic numbers and will have a legend (comprehensible and without reference to the text) presented in the caption to figures, on a separate sheet. Photographs will be saved as .jpg. The approximate place of tables and figures must be indicated on the margin of the text.

A running title, not exceeding 50 letters, should be indicated.

The findings and opinions in the papers are solely the responsibility of the authors.

Correspondence should be addressed to: Editorial Board, Institute of Biology Bucharest, Romanian Journal of Biology-Plant Biology, P. O. Box 56-53, 060031, Bucharest 2, Romania, e-mail:

The Journal is published on line at the web page:


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Last modified: 04/29/22