Romanian Journal of Biology - Plant Biology

Institute of Biology - Bucharest


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2003, VOLUME 48, No. 1-2 (2005)

1. Conservation of endemic species Dianthus callizonus Schott et Kotsky using in vitro techniques

pp. 3 - 7    


The main purpose of this research is to develop the most suitable techniques of micropropagation adapted for middle term conservation of the rare endemic species Dianthus callizonus. Micropropagation is a method to obtain valuable collection and allow the conservation of unique genetic resources of this species.

2. The influence of the magnetic fluids on some physiological processes in Phaseolus vulgaris

pp. 9 - 15    


The reactions of Phaseolus vulgaris L. plants treated with different concentrations of magnetic fluids were investigated. The effects on photosynthesis rate, assimilatory pigments content and fresh and dry biomass content were recorded. The bean plants were grown in culture pots filled with polystyrene granules and moistened with Arnon nutritive solution, at which magnetic fluid was added in increasing concentrations from 0.25 to 1 mJJI.

A stimulation effect on photosynthesis and assimilatory pigments content from the bean leaves was noticed for 0.25%0 and 0.5%0 concentrations of the magnetic fluid on the 7th day of the experiment.

After 7 days from the beginning of the treatment, all three concentrations of magnetic fluid increased the total biomass and the dry matter from each organ, but the effect of the 1 concentration was weaker (for this concentration the highest increase of dry matter was recorded for roots).

3. Infraspecific chemical taxa of Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L.) Spreng from Romania

pp. 17 - 22    


Two infraspecific chemical taxa were identified for Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L.) Spreng from Romania based on the presence or the absence of methyl-arbutoside in the two populations where the species vegetates. Thus, in the population from the Apuseni Mountains, the leaves contain arbutoside and methyl-arbutoside, while the leaves of the population from the Oriental Carpathian Mountains (Bucovina) contain only arbutoside.

A different phytogeographical origin of the two populations in Romania can be evaluated, as a correlation with the distribution of the two taxa in Europe. These data confirmed the hypothesis from 1958 of Prof. Borza, that the two populations of Arctostaphylos from Romania had a different origin.

4. Fruit morphology, anatomy and mixocarpy in Nepeta cataria L. 'Citriodora' and Nepeta grandiflora Bieb. (Lamiaceae)

pp. 23 - 30    


The results of a complete study of nutlet morphology, anatomy and mixocarpy in two cultivated species of Nepeta genus (Lamiaceae, Nepetoideae) are investigated. The cultivated species are represented by Nepeta cataria L. 'Citriodora' and Nepeta grandiflora Bieb. (Sect. Nepeta). Two main types of pericarp pattern, smooth and sculptured, are described. A detailed description of the anatomy, macromorphology and micromorphology of Nepeta's nutlets is presented. The mucilage production (mixocarpy) has also been tested. Original photographs and SEM images for mentioned taxa are provided. A polytomous morpho-anatomical identification key based on the nutlets's characters was made.

5. Danube quality water assessment from the microbiological point of view in Cernavodã nuclear plant area

pp. 31 - 39    


Herein are analysed the following microbiological parameters: total viable count, total coliforms and faecal coliforms, which represent a standard indicator for water quality. The study has been done during 1998 - 2002 upon the Water in the Danube River and in the channels for cooling water used by Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant condensers. In this area, based on these values of evaluated parameters, the water feature is placed in the quality classes II and III (moderate and critical pollution), in conformity with European Community Directives.

6. Phytoremediation of soils infested with radionuclides and heavy metals

pp. 41 - 44    


Among many other problems that Romania has to resolve in the perspective of EU integration is the quality of the ecological factors. Unfortunately, nowadays, even if the monitoring of these factors is close to the imposed demands, the parameters are far from European exigency. The soil is damaged and the costs for redemption are very expensive. On the other hand, phyto-remediation is at hand. This is based on the capacity of some plants to absorb radionuclides and heavy metals from the soil. This process may be active or passive and now it may be made with genetic engineering help.

7. A new species of Phomopsis Sacc. (mitosporic fungi) in Romania

pp. 45-49    


Genus Phomopsis has a special theoretical and practical importance successfully pointed out in several problems concerning the taxonomy, the nomenclature and the pathogenesis of the species of this type. So far, in Romania have been described 87 taxons on 130 species of host plants which are spontaneous or cultivated and which have got a great importance in the economy and flora. In this paper there are illustrated only three species of Phomopsis which are new for Romania and here they are:

Phomopsis brachyceras Grove, Phomopsis diospyri (Sacc.) Trav. & Spessa and Phomopsis vaccinii Shear.

8. Comparative analysis of the natural habitats dominated by Alnus glutinosa and Alnus incana

pp. 51 - 62    


The representative habitats characterised by Alnus glutinosa and Alnus incana were selected and described for NATURA 2000 network We mentioned the codes EUNIS, EMERALD, NATURA 2000 and Palearctic Habitats Classification for these types of vegetal communities. Using the cladistic method we represented the similarity of Telekio speciosae-Alnetum incanae communities in Azuga and Piatra Craiului Mountain. At the same time a comparison was made of the releves of Stellario nemori­Alnetum glutinosae association near CaIugareni and Clinceanca forests. The dendrogram of similarity based on Jaccard index was performed for both plant associations.

9. Aspects of vegetation from Zãnoaga and Tãtaru Gorges (Bucegi Mountains)

pp. 63 - 75    


This paper deals with characterization of two vegetal associations identified on the Zanoaga and n.tam Gorges, from Ialomita Valley (the Bucegi Mountains): Asperulo capitatae - Seslerietum rigidae (Z6lyomi 1939) Coldea1991 and Ligulario sibiricae ­Ribetum petraei nova ass.

10. The fontinal vegetation in the Râiosu and Buda mountains

pp. 77 - 87    


The paper presents the fontinal community growing near the streams in the Raiosu and Buda mountains, Fagara~ Massif. The hygrophile, microtherm, acid-neutrophile coenoses are characteristic of the mountain level and subalpine level, from 850 m altitude up to 2 100 m altitude. The coenoses are short, with grassy upper layer and mossy inferior layer, and a small surface (4m2-16 m2).

11. Considerations syntaxonomiques sur les hautes herbes dans l'etage subalpin

pp. 89 -94    


This work refers to the tall strong vegetation, met along the streams of the subalpine stratum of the mountains in the northern hemisphere known as "megaphorbiets", a name introduced in the literature by 1. 1. Briquet.

The cenotaxonomic framing of the associations of this type of vegetation is presented by a nomenclatural inductive proceeding by Braun-Blanquet in the class of Betulo-Adenostyletea, based on the name of the species Adenostyles ailiariae and Betula carpatica, a framing reconsidered by Hadac and Klika in 1944 in the class Mulgedio-Aconitetea, a name used for the first time in Romania by Silvia Oroian (1998) and Mihaela Samiirghitan (2001).

A short history of the description of the cenosis belonging to the order of Adenostyletalia which has been done by different Romanian authors is presented.

12. Meadow associations in the Vaslui River Basin (I)

pp. 95 - 104    


This study presents a xeromesophyte meadow association in the basin of VasJui river - Taraxaco serotinae - Festucetum valesiacae (Burduja et al. 1956) Siirbu, Coldea et Chifu 1999, considering both its phytocoenological characteristics and the aerial phytomass it produces.

13. Diversity analysis of Festuco rubrae-Agrostetum capillaris Horv. 1951 grasslands from the Stâniºoara Mountains SW slopes

pp. 105 - 113    


Community diversity is an indicator of functionality and potential resilience to habitat alteration. The studied grassland communities of the Ass. Festuco rubrae­Agrostetum capillaris Horv. 1951 belong to two sub-associations: typicum Co1dea 1991 and caricetosum-montanae Pop, Cristea, Hodi~an 2000. Regarding their diversity, the sub-associations are generally alike. For both sub-associations the low evenness values decreased the high species richness values, and vice-versa. Few species are dominant while all the others have similar low abundance. The observed diversity resemblance of the studied sub-associations is supported by their ecological characteristics.


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