Restauration strategies of the deteriorated peatland ecosystems from Romania (PeatRO)
The project “Restauration strategies of the deteriorated peatland ecosystems from Romania (PeatRO)” is financed through the EEA Grants financial mechanism run by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the Programme RO02 – ”Biodiversity and ecosystem services”
Project Promoter: Institute of Biology Bucharest of the Romanian Academy (IBB)
Contract nr. 4770/GLG/24.06.2015
Registration number in the IBB: 2339 from 25.06.2015
Project ID: RO02-65469
Acronym: PeatRo
Total planned value: 4,422,000.00 RON (995,161,47 EUR) being financed fully from non-refundable funds from MF-SEE (85%) and the national budget (15%).
Project implementation period: 25.06.2015–31.01.2017