Restauration strategies of the deteriorated peatland ecosystems from Romania (PeatRO)

General objective (aim):
The development of national strategies for halting the biodiversity loss in the degraded peatland ecosystems from Romania
Specific objectives:
Objective 1. Identification and assessment of the areas in need of restoration/reconstruction
Activity 1.1 – Identification and assessment of the general state of the peatland ecosystems from Romania
Activity 1.2 – Identification and assessment of the main factors which threaten the good functioning and conservation status of the peatland ecosystems from Romania
Activity 1.3 – Identification of the ecosystem areas affected by desiccation in Romania
Activity 1.4 – Identification of the main areas affected by the fragmentation of peat habitats from Romania
Activity 1.5 – Identification of the invasive species which require management/control measures
Activity 1.6 – Identification of the main areas with degraded peatland ecosystems in need of restoration/reconstruction
Activity 1.7 – Making a cost-benefit analysis for the restoration/reconstruction activities
Activity 1.8 – Identification of the areas with peatland ecosystems which act as refuges for species of high conservation value
Objective 2. Establishing a national strategy for the restoration of the hydrological regime in degraded peatland ecosystems
Activity 2.1 – Assessing the main areas affected by anthropic and/or natural desiccation of peatland ecosystems from Romania
Activity 2.2 – Identification of the adequate restoration/reconstruction techniques for the areas affected by anthropic and/or natural desiccation of peatland ecosystems from Romania
Activity 2.3 – Restoring some drained peatland ecosystems. Case study: The protected area Mlaca Tătarilor (ROSCI0112)
Activity 2.4 – Restoring some drained peatland ecosystems. Case study: The protected area Larion (ROSCI0101)
Activity 2.5 – Developing the national plan for the restoration of the hydrological regime in degraded peatland ecosystems.
Objective 3. Establishing a national strategy for the elimination of invasive species from the degraded peatland ecosystems
Activity 3.1 – Assessing the invasive species which should be controlled
Activity 3.2 – Case study: the invasive species Betula pendula
Activity 3.3 – Case study: the invasive species Pinus sylvestris
Activity 3.4 – Identification of the adequate technologies and methods for the control of invasive species affecting peatland ecosystems from Romania
Activity 3.5 – Developing the national plan for the control of invasive species affecting degraded peatland ecosystems
Objective 4. Establishing a national strategy for restoring the connectivity between peat habitats
Activity 4.1 – Assessing the main areas affected by the fragmentation of peat habitats from Romania
Activity 4.2 – Identification of the adequate technologies and methods for the restoration/reconstruction of the areas affected by the fragmentation of peat habitats from Romania
Activity 4.3 – Developing the national plan for restoring the connectivity between peat habitats
Objective 5. Developing medium- and long-term strategies for the conservation of certain species which are characteristic for the peatlands from Romania
Activity 5.1 – Developing an assessing system of the conservation status of species which are typical for peatland ecosystems
Activity 5.2 – Developing a system for the identification of species with high conservation value
Activity 5.3 – Establishing the methodology of selecting the species which are typical for peatland ecosystems and have a high conservation value, in order to include them in the national medium- and/or long-term conservation plan
Activity 5.4 – Case study: Ligularia sibirica
Activity 5.5 – Identification and establishment of some modern and adequate techniques for the conservation of endangered species
Activity 5.6 – Development of the national plan for the medium-term conservation of the species with high conservation value
Activity 5.7 – Development of the national plan for the long-term conservation of the species with high conservation value
Objective 6. Integrating the results in a common unitary policy for the reconstruction of the degraded peat habitats from Romania
Activity 6.1 – Developing a guide for the restoration of the degraded peatlands from Romania
Activity 6.2 – Developing a national program for the restoration of the degraded peatlands from Romania