Proiect PCCA Tip 1
Nr. Contract:
Director proiect: Dr. Medana Zamfir
Rezumatul raportului din 2016
Rezumatul raportului din 2015
Rezumatul raportului din
Rezumatul raportului
din 2013
Rezumatul raportului
din 2012
Lucrări ştiinţifice
publicate în cadrul proiectului
Grosu-Tudor S.S., Zamfir M., Wouters D., De Vuyst L.
Lactic acid bacteria from fermented vegetables with potential applications
in food industry and health, prezentată sub formă de poster la Conferinţa
cu participare internaţională A New Approach of the Academic Research
in Biology organizată de Institutul de Biologie Bucureşti în perioada
11-12 decembrie 2012.
Zamfir M. Bacteriile lactice – diversitate, potenţial
biotehnologic, prezentare orală în cadrul Seminariilor IBB, 18 aprilie
Cornea P., Sicuia O., Popa G., Israel-Roming F., Zamfir M. Screening of antifungal lactic acid bacteria isolated from plant
materials, poster la European Biotechnology Congress,
Bratislava, 16-18 mai, 2013.
Zamfir M., Grosu-Tudor S., Stancu M., Pelinescu D.,
Cornea P., Selection of novel functional lactic acid bacteria from plant
origin materials. V International Conference on Environmental, Industrial
and Applied Microbiology – BioMicroWorld 2013, 2 - 4 octombrie 2013,
Madrid, Spania.
M. Zamfir. Biodiversity of lactic acid bacteria from traditional Romanian
fermented vegetables – conferinţă invitată. IV International Symposium on
Lactic Acid Bacteria, San Miguel de Tucuman, Argentina, 16-18 octombrie
Grosu-Tudor S.S.,
Stancu M.M., Pelinescu D., Zamfir M., 2014. Characterization of some
bacteriocins produced by lactic acid bacteria isolated from fermented
foods. World J Microbiol Biotechnol, 30(9), p. 2459-2469.
Zamfir M., Cornea C.P., De Vuyst L., Grosu-Tudor S.S., 2014.
and biotechnological potential of lactic acid bacteria. AgroLife
Scientific Journal vol. 3(1), ISSN 2285-5718, p. 169-176.
Grosu-Tudor S.S,
Zamfir M., 2014.
Exopolysaccharide production by selected lactic acid bacteria isolated
from fermented vegetables. Scientific
Bulletin. Series F. Biotechnologies, Vol. XVIII, ISSN 2285-1364, p.
Sicuia O. A., Israel-Roming F., Ciobotariu O., Matei A., Zamfir M., Ciucă
M., Cornea C. P., 2014. Antifungal action of lactic acid bacteria isolated
from plant materials against mycotoxigenic fungi. Scientific Bulletin.
Series F. Biotechnologies, Vol. XVIII, ISSN 2285-1364, p. 234-240.
Cornea C.P., Sicuia
O.A., Israel-Roming F., Toma R., Zamfir M., 2014. Interactions of
indigenous lactic acid bacteria isolated from vegetal sources with
spoilage fungi, Proceedings of the IInd INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS “FOOD
978-86-7994-043-8, Publisher Univ.Novi Sad, Institute of Food Technology,
p. 632-637.
Calina Petruța Cornea, Florentina Israel Roming, Oana
Alina Sicuia, Catalina Voaideș, Medana Zamfir, Silvia-Simona Grosu-Tudor.
Biosurfactant production by Lactobacillus spp. strains
isolated from Romanian traditional fermented food products. Rom Biotechnol
Lett, acceptată.
Zamfir M., Stefan I.R., Grosu-Tudor S.S.
Influence of Growth Medium Composition on the Bacteriocin Activity of Some
Lactic Acid Bacteria, Rom Biotechnol Lett, acceptată.
Sarbu I., Vassu T., Stoica I., Chifiriuc C.
Bucur M., Rusu E., Pelinescu D., 2015, Analysis on the antimicrobial
activity of some lactic acid bacteria strains, REVISTA ROMANA DE BOLI
INFECTIOASE 18(2-3): 87-91.
Lucrări ştiinţifice
publicate în domeniu
Wouters D., Grosu-Tudor S., Zamfir M., De Vuyst L, 2013. Bacterial
community dynamics, lactic acid bacteria species diversity and metabolite
kinetics of traditional Romanian vegetable fermentations, J Sci Food
Agric, 93(4), 749-760.
Wouters D., Grosu-Tudor S., Zamfir M., De Vuyst L, 2013. Applicability of
Lactobacillus plantarum IMDO 788 as a starter culture to control
vegetable fermentations, J Sci Food Agric, accepted for publication,
published online, DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.6184.
Grosu-Tudor S.-S., Zamfir M., Van der Meulen R., De Vuyst L., 2013.
Isolation of novel homopolysaccharide producing lactic acid bacteria from
Romanian raw milk and fermented dairy products. Eur Food Res Technol, DOI
Grosu-Tudor S.S., Zamfir M., 2013. Functional Properties of Lactic Acid
Bacteria Isolated from Romanian Fermented Vegetables, Food Biotechnology,
27(3): 235-248, DOI: 10.1080/08905436.2013.811082.
Zamfir M., Grosu-Tudor S., 2013. Stress response of some lactic acid
bacteria isolated from Romanian artisan dairy products. World J Microbiol
Biotech, DOI: 10.1007/s11274-013-1454-6.
Grosu-Tudor S., Zamfir M., Van der Meulen R., Falony G., De Vuyst L.,
Prebiotic potential of some exopolysaccharides prodused by lactic acid
bacteria, Romanian Biotechnological Letters, 2013, 18 (5), 8666-8676.
Matei A., Cornea C. P. 2014, Antifungal activity of some lactic acid
bacteria isolated from materials of vegetal origin. Scientific Bulletin.
Series F. Biotechnologies, Vol. XVIII, ISSN 2285-1364, 42-47.
Lucrări publicate în 2016
Lucrări în reviste cotate ISI:
1. Calina Petruța Cornea, Florentina Israel Roming, Oana Alina Sicuia,
Catalina Voaideș, Medana Zamfir, Silvia-Simona Grosu-Tudor. Biosurfactant
production by Lactobacillus spp. strains isolated from Romanian
traditional fermented food products. Rom Biotechnol Lett, 21(2),
2. Zamfir M., Stefan I.R., Grosu-Tudor S.S., 2016. Influence of Growth
Medium Composition on the Bacteriocin Activity of Some Lactic Acid Bacteria,
Rom Biotechnol Lett, acceptată, apare în Vol. 21(6).
3. Grosu-Tudor S.S., Stefan I.R., Stancu M.M., Cornea C.P., De Vuyst L.,
Zamfir M. Romanian borş, a traditional cereal-based fermented beverage, în
curs de evaluare la International Journal of Food Microbiology.
4. Matei, GM, S Matei,
A Matei, CP Cornea, EM Draghici, IO Jerca, 2016, Bioprotection of fresh food
products against blue mold using lactic acid bacteria with antifungal
properties, Rom Biotechnol Lett, 21(1), 11201-11208.
Lucrări în reviste indexate BDI:
1. Petruț S., Sârbu I., Ionescu R., Vassu T., Stoica I., Giurgi A.,
Pelinescu D., 2016. Characterization of probiotic potential of some lactic
acid bacteria strains isolated from fermented vegetable, în curs de evaluare
la Annals. Food Science and Technology.
2. Csutak O., Sabău E., Pelinescu D., Corbu V., Cîrpici I., Vassu T., 2016,
Molecular identification and metabolic screening of some yeast strains from
foods, AgroLife Scientific Journal, vol. 5, nr. 1, 51-58.
3. Silvia-Simona Grosu-Tudor, Iulia-Roxana Ștefan, Medana Zamfir, 2016.
Growth/survival of some functional lactic acid bacteria under different
stress conditions, AgroLife Scientific Journal, acceptată.
Prezentări la manifestări științifice internaționale:
1. Petruț S., Sârbu I., Zamfir M., Ionescu R., Vassu T., Stoica I., Mereuță
I., Tănase A.-M., Pelinescu D., 2016. Resistance
of some lactic acid bacteria strains isolated from fermented vegetables in
conditions similar to those from the gastrointestinal tract.
“Power of Microbes in Industry and
Environment 2016” Symposium, 28 Septembrie- 1 Octombrie, Krk, Croația.
2. Csutak O., Sabău E., Pelinescu D., Corbu V., Cîrpici I., Vassu T., 2016,
Molecular identification and metabolic screening of some yeast strains from
foods, International Conference
„Agriculture for life, life for agriculture”, 9-11 June 2016, Bucharest,
Romania, Book of Abstracts, section 6 Biotechnology, P III.1, p. 62.
3. Voaides,M.C., O Sicuia, M Zamfir, P Cornea, 2016, Rapid detection of
resistance to pH and bile salts of selected LAB strains by molecular
techniques, , European Biotechnology Congress 2016, mai 2016, Riga, Letonia
(Journal of Biotechnology, S52)
4. Silvia-Simona Grosu-Tudor, Iulia-Roxana Ștefan, Medana Zamfir, 2016.
Growth/survival of some functional lactic acid bacteria under different
stress conditions, International
Conference „Agriculture for life, life for agriculture”, 9-11 June 2016,
Bucharest, Romania
Iulia-Roxana Ștefan, Silvia-Simona Grosu-Tudor,
Mihaela-Marilena Stancu, Medana Zamfir
Diversity and growth dynamics of lactic acid
bacteria in Romanian, traditional fermented beverages.
16th International Nutrition & Diagnostics Conference, Praga, 3-6 octombrie
6. Silvia-Simona Grosu-Tudor, Mihaela-Marilena
Stancu, Iulia-Roxana Ștefan, Călina-Petruța Cornea, Medana Zamfir.
Physicochemical and rheological properties of some exopoly-saccharides
produced by lactic acid bacteria isolated from plant origin materials.
Food Microbiology, Birmingham, UK, 7-10 august 2016.
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