AUSTRIA CROATIA SERBIA BULGARIA ROMANIA 2008 2009 BIOWETMAN - wetlands management and conservation - International workshop 19 February 2009 INSTITUTE OF BIOLOGY BUCHAREST Romanian academy Welcome introduction Dir. Madalin Enache Institute of Biology Bucharest Dr. Cristina Sandu BIOWETMAN project presentation Wetlands management in the frame of WFD Jorg Janning (European Union of Water Management Associations - EUWMA) WFD implementation at European level challenges for water management organizations Dir. Gheorghe Constantin (Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development) Wetlands impact on the implementation of WFD in Romania Dir. Aurora Vasiu A., dr. Graziella Jula, dr. Andrea Galie, dr. Felicia Popovici, Ruxandra Garbea, R. Curelea (National Administration Romanian Waters) - Danube River Basin Management Plan - Hydro-morphological pressures and their effects on water ecological status Current threats on wetlands Dr. Juerg Bloesch (International Association for Danube Research) Danube and Rhine Rivers threats of navigation to wetlands Prof. Dan Balteanu, c.m. Romanian Academy, dr. Monica Dumitrascu, drd. Dana Micu (Institute of Geography, Romanian Academy) Impact of climate change on wetlands in Romania Dr. Constanta Boroneant (National Administration of Meteorology) - Observed and near future projections of weather extreme events in Romania Wetlands conservation and restoration Prof. Marian Traian Gomoiu (Ovidius Univ., Constanta), c.m. Romanian Academy Wetlands importance for biodiversity conservation Dir. Grigore Baboianu (Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Administration) New projects in DDBR Dr. Iulian Nichersu (Danube Delta National Institute, Tulcea) Ecological and economical restoration of Danube floodplain Camelia Ionescu (WWF Romania) WWF projects in Green Corridor
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